A sincere officer working against a terrorist group was shot dead brutally. His name is Tanjeel Ahmad. I am looking whether KP astrology will show some clue about that murderers and their arrest. The following is the horary map:
Imprisonment rule: the sub lord 12th house must have connection with 2-8-12 houses and Rahu. Here 7th house denotes murderers. 6th house denotes their arrest. The sub lord of 6th house is Venus, she is in Saturn star and Mercury sub. Mercury is in 9th house, therefore n definite indication for arrest. Here is a minute point, mercury is in the star of Kethu a strong significator for 8-12 houses. Venus in the star of Saturn a retro in 5th house, hence he may not offer safety to murderers. They may be moving to different places.
Kethu is the only planet in the star of Jupiter. Kethu afflicting the 2nd house will result in imprisonment or arrest. Jupiter is retro till 10th May 2016. They may be arrested after 20thapril or 11-12 May 2016.